Monday 21 June 2010

Due to my dissertation I have been doing a lot of research on feminism. So, I came across Esther Vilar, a portuguese/german ANTI feminist writer. Her book The Manipulated Man has caused quite a lot of controversy amongst feminists.
Here are some points she is trying to convey in her book:

1. Men are conscripted; women are not.
2. Men are sent to fight in wars; women are not.
3. Men retire later than women (even though, due to their lower life-expectancy, they should have the right to retire earlier).
4. Men have almost no influence over their reproduction (for males, there is neither a pill nor abortion - they can only get the children women want them to have).
5. Men support women; women never, or only temporarily, support men.
6. Men work all their lives; women work only temporarily or not at all.
7. Even though men work all their lives, and women work only temporarily or not at all, on average, men are poorer than women.
8. Men only "borrow" their children; woman can keep them (as men work all their lives and women do not, men are automatically robbed of their children in cases of separation - with the reasoning that they have to work).

Read it and make up your mind.

Friday 19 March 2010

When in doubt remain silent.

I hate being left in doubt. I cannot bear people who leave me in doubt.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Out of sight, out of mind.

See you later. And close the door before you go, please.

Friday 19 February 2010


Top 827348937490 of annoying things in 2010:

- Mary Poppins-esque black boots that everyone (and i mean everyone) is wearing
- Romcoms that basically have the same plot like any other romcom made between 2000 and 2009
- City Residential (the most unreliable esate agent in Liverpool, ever)
- Rudness and bitchyness especially between women: a result of low self-esteem and the urge of wanting to be fancied by as many guys as possible.
-the possibility of Diablo Cody writing another filmscript in 2010
-pointy shoes
- Betty Page fringes
-Waterstones not having any of the 18th century novels in stock apart from Shelly, Austen, or Stocker. That's about it then. Back to Amazon and 2 weeks estimate delivery time
-Lady Gaga becoming president of the entire world and being best friends with Tom Ford.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Morality issues?

An interesting approach by Defoe which has (unfortunately) gained great popularity in the wannabe celebs society of the present day...
.... (insert here) is/are interested in is what Defoe liked to call Matrimonial Whoredom that is marrying for financial gain rahter than for love. The marriage partner of such alliances, made without love, are little more than legal Prostitutes. WAGs anyone? Or at least some women and men that openly admit that they married someone for their bank account rather than love?

vomit trigger.

Saturday 23 January 2010

It shouldn't hurt me to be free
It's what I really need
To pull myself together
But if it's so good being free
Would you mind telling me
Why I don't know what to do with myself.